
My name is Bwebwentekaai Bob Kabuati (call me Bob). I decided to join this course now that I have some time to spare, and hopefully to complete the course within two to three weeks. Browsing through the OERu site, I come across this course Lida101 – Learning in a Digital age. It attracted my attention… Continue reading Lida101

StoryBoard -Outline

My reflection and Self Assessment Creating a Story Board outlining the course learning pathways is not something that can be done within a few weeks, particularly when you are very new to ‘story boarding’. And when you are trying to find time appropriate, among hours of dedicated ‘commitment to employer’ is surely a life of… Continue reading StoryBoard -Outline

My Story Board

My storyboard for a learning pathway – Accounting Concept Accounting Concepts, examples, defined and illustrated. My learning reflection Creating a story board is definitely requires a good time spent on sketching and scratching. My storyboard self-assessment I think I should be awarded somewhere between the green and orange colour

H5P Exercise

Multiple Choice Question this is an exercise practice to create an H5P content – Multiple Choice Accordion this is hopefully an H5P content – accordion type? Drop and Drag this is the Drop and Drag exercise

My EDT4OL submission

Kiribati flag -wikiipedia

This is where my submission as noted in the title and will be presented as directed by the EDT4OL course instructions. Declaring Myself My name, on the WikiEducator Uespage, is Bwebwentekaai Bob Kabuati and I am trying my best to enrol in this course EDT4OL. The course was developed and designed by Dr Wayne Mackintoshi… Continue reading My EDT4OL submission