StoryBoard -Outline

My reflection and Self Assessment

Creating a Story Board outlining the course learning pathways is not something that can be done within a few weeks, particularly when you are very new to ‘story boarding’. And when you are trying to find time appropriate, among hours of dedicated ‘commitment to employer’ is surely a life of uncertainty.

Most of my activity for this #EDT4OL course is done over the free weekends, and other free times on certain days of the week (if lucky). Where I served as a registrar, education coordinator and project officer, you seem to be a busy day in and day out, from sunrise to sundown. Our daily work program starts at 7:30 am and ends at 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. Part of my duty is to record school meeting minutes that convene every Monday of the week starting 3:30 pm for 1 or 2 hours, making it very impossible to join the course webinars!