H5P Interactive Learning Challenge

Section 1: Introductory paragraph

Learning activities increase student engagement and promote learning. Doing activities online helps learners engage with challenging concepts and, provides self-assessment of self-reflection opportunities. Introducing an online activity offer many benefits to educators and learners. However, success often relies on how appropriate the activity and the chosen technology are for the learning context, and how well both are integrated into the learning process.

For the online learning and teaching experience to be effective, it is important that there is a strong alignment between the intended learning outcomes and the activities that will help develop students’ achievement of these outcomes. How you choose which activity and associated technology to use can depend on a number of factors:

  • The intended learning outcomes for the course
  • The student situation (location, access to the internet, number of students in the class, etc.)
  • The learning experiences or technical requirements of the course content (e.g. inclusion of large graphic files, collaborative tools, live chat features, external guest lecturer access, file sharing, discussions, etc.)
  • The breadth and depth of the teacher’s previous online experience

Section 2: Embedded H5P objects

Object 1: Multiple Choice Question

This type of question is used for testing well-defined skills related to a certain topic. Multiple Choice questions can be an effective assessment tool when they are created properly and the learner is given immediate feedback on their own performance.

Example: Complete the multiple-choice question given below.

Object 2: Crossword Question

Crosswords are a fun way to learn and memorize new terms.

Example: Complete the crossword puzzle given below.

Object 3: Accordion Question

The Accordion is a useful tool to present content in a nested format. This question type allows the user to view content easily without having to scroll and is a useful way of providing a summary of information whilst still allowing the user to drill down to more detailed information on the topic.

Example: State the following below as True or False.

Section 3: Self-assessment

I believe my resource achieves the green light because my blog post contains all the relevant requirements. I successfully added more than three question types to my “H5P practice activities” post. The activities I have design are well designed with clear instructions to learners.


  1. Sites.google.com. 2022. Online Learning Activities – Introduction to Teaching Online. [online] Available at: <https://sites.google.com/a/hawaii.edu/new-de-faculty-orientation/step7> [Accessed 7 July 2022].
  2. Centre for Teaching Excellence. 2022. Developing Online Learning Activities for Blended Courses | Centre for Teaching Excellence. [online] Available at: <https://uwaterloo.ca/centre-for-teaching-excellence/teaching-resources/teaching-tips/developing-assignments/blended-learning/developing-online-learning-activities> [Accessed 7 July 2022].

Image Attributions:

  1. H5P Logo” by Wikimedia Commons under GNU General Public License
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